What is wrong with Africa: Not Yet Uhuru & The Donald Trump Perspective!

Dar es salaam. The Capital of Tanzania

"Not yet Uhuru" means the independence fought for by the Kenyan/African people had not been achieved. It comes from a title of a book written by the first vice-president of Kenya, The late Oginga Odinga, who observed that despite the country's declared independence, the government led by blacks were as oppressive as the colonial government.

Does Donal Trump Perspective Support Oginga Odinga Perspective?
Donald Trump comments..........White South Africans were the reason South Africa became a successful, peaceful country. Just look at the rest of Africa and the abject failure it is as a continent, and then look at South Africa under Apartheid. South Africa (and Zimbabwe) were the beacons of light on the darkest continent, showing the way forward, becoming the financial hubs of Africa. The Whites built South Africa up; they planned the roads; they planned the factories; they grew the food to feed the nation; they developed the mines (didn't own them though); they were the industrious people who took a land of wild animals, bush and low-IQ blacks and made it the country it was at the time of the handover. Everyone had access to schooling, further education, health, food and policing. All the cornerstones of any civilized society were present in the country.

And then the country was handed over to the black liberation terrorist ANC Party and today we sit with what we see in front of our eyes - proof that sub-Saharan blacks can't make a success of anything, even when given everything on a silver platter. They can't create wealth without taking from someone else. They can't grow food, proved beyond any doubt when once successful farms given to them lie barren and dead, returned to bush. They can't even maintain the education system, which is now in a mess, with the health system not far behind. Crime is out of control. Infrastructure is collapsing. Farmers are being murdered without government standing up and denouncing the slaughter. The blacks can't make sport teams on merit and so have to use quota systems to force teams to incorporate them. They can't get jobs without Affirmative Action being implemented. In short, the ANC has killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. Millions of white South Africans sit outside the country, looking in, waiting for the pin to finally drop. The hungry, forgotten blacks look with big eyes at their leaders who live in obscene luxury whilst they scratch in dirt for food.

This is what Africa is all about. Tribalism and status, and using their fellow man to get to the top, and once there, forgetting their fellow man. White South Africans knew all of this. They knew the black-man's behavior. They knew what he was capable of. The rest of the world tried convincing every one that they knew better than the people living day-to-day with them, for hundreds of years. And they continued to agitate for them to take the country over.

Well, reality has certainly met the rainbow nation dream and it's not looking too good... My, my, look how far South Africa has devolved under the black man. I would love to say that I'm shocked, but I would be lying. Welcome to reality...
Trump spoke publicly again on 25 October 2015, when he appeared on CBS' Sunday morning political interview show Face the Nation. In the interview Trump has expressed his deep disgust for Africans by referring to them as lazy fools only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery.

"African Americans are very lazy. The best they can do is gallivanting around ghettoes, lamenting how they are discriminated. These are the people America doesn’t need. They are the enemies of progress. Look at African countries like Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries. From the government to opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required. How do you trust even those who have ran away to hide here at the United States hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don't care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks. In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self-governance" Explained Donald Trump bitterly as he illuminated how he plans to reconstruct America and restore its lost glory.


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