There’s an old, well known story of a chicken farmer who found an eagle’s egg.He put it with his chickens and soon the egg hatched.
The young eagle grew up with all the other chickens and whatever they did, the eagle did too. He thought he was a chicken, just like them. Since the chickens could only fly for a short distance, the eagle also learnt to fly a short distance.
He thought that was what he was supposed to do. So that was all that he thought he could do. As a consequence, that was all he was able to do. One day the eagle saw a bird flying high above him. He was very impressed. “Who is that?” he asked the hens around him.
“That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hens told him. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth, we are just chickens.”
So the eagle lived and died as a chicken, for that’s what he thought he was.
I want to encourage you today that you are an eagle.
You may have been brought up in a situation that limited your understanding of your potential, but it’s time now for the past to lose its hold on you.
Don’t die thinking you’re a chicken.
Soar high, just as you were meant to.
Be all that you are meant to be!
Sorce: https://betterlifecoachingblog.com/2012/01/06/the-eagle-and-the-chickens-a-story-about-being-who-you-are-meant-to-be/